今日はヨー友。 静岡からレイ君が来てくれた!さりげなくいたからびっくりだw


フリースタイルするときは、ヨー友中部専属DJのDJ mASaがユータローのときにナイスなチョイス。そんなDJマサの携帯の待ちうけはドポップな長島スパーランドの時の写真だった。



Today was Yo-tomo Day...Met a lot of ppl there,and i practiced just a little bit..
At Dinner,Pon,Yutaro,Masashi and Me were talking about AP, Msia...We Miss the time and friends!! And we also talked about Nagashima with Nichy..We All miss you,Nichy!
Luckly,my eye has no problem, and not Panda at all! haha!
Yesterday went to buy new glasses...hehe...You'll see how does it look soon?..lol


Nichy:Yeap..I'm doing well..hehe..Yay!PuriCura!PuriCura!!yay!Today,I record my FreeSTyle...I'll send you the video when i see you online,Give me advice,ok??My sensei!haha!You'll see some difference from last time...So,How was your School event today? Awww..See you online soon! Miss you so much!

Jovial:Wheee!!Yeap..I slept well last night...hehe..I am tired today, so im gonna go bed soon...So, how are you??How's Miso soup?? Next time I'll get you GreenTea...Cousin!Miss ya,too!