頭の中では出来たんだけど…怖くてなかなか試せなかったトリックが1回だけ成功した!!今年の世界大会の目玉トリックになるでしょうb 頭打つか顔にあたるか転ぶかの自分で言うのもなんだけど、 はんぱなく“超”難易度の高いトリック。お楽しみに!

あとは反復練習だけ。スピードメーカーでいきます。 新年1発目のヨーヨー大会。がんばるよ〜。 そしてその次の日はヨー友!JNのフリーを試してみます。


とにかく!!!2007年、1/13 CJで幕を開ける裕之劇場をお楽しみに!!!



Hey hey hey!! New Trick!! I finally came up with the vert first and hardest trick of 2007!
I only hit once,but I'll keep practicing till I can control Speeder perfectly.The trick...Hunt or be hunted by the trick!!LOL. Speeder hit my head from the back twice already aiyoh...
BTW,CJ is coming very very soon.Its on next Saturday...The Freestyle is ok,I'll just try to hit the tricks and have fun on the stage...
I just realize that I am a bit streessed by freestyling.And I found out why.Because I have been planing 3 Big Freestyle at the same time!!CJ , JN , and Worlds...!! Stupid,right? :p
I'll practice CJ freestyle till CJ, and then Worlds! because my "Coach" told me I dont have to join JN if I dont have time.Correct, Coach?
Kleaven and Colin make me wanna go SYYC more!..I hope I can save money..I hope Spinworkx sponcer me?! lol!
I'd been a bit busy this a few days.Now, I can practice for CJ!yay!

Niki:I'll practice smart...!But dont worry, I'm alredy baka,even if Speeder hit my head, I cant be baka more than now i am!lol!!Anyway,I hope our project 2007 will go well...We'll try our best..hehe..And Thanks for the picture of news paper we are both on! Its really nice! I love it;)Anyway,Take care of yourself,ok?? Wakatta??

Kleaven:You should sponcer me,ok?? You take me buy Dior jeans?? lol!!!You come Japan First, then we fly to Singapore togther. ;)