
P.S. APEE名古屋の田中さんいつもお世話になってます!

AKIRA:ドイツの写真アップしたんで見てくだされ〜。トップページにリンク貼ってます。NEW SPEEDERいつになるか分かんないけどとりあえず気合の入った一品になるようにがんばりますね〜。
Kelt: 最低値のスピーダーにはならないので期待しないでねw
tatsuya: イベント用だよ。いろいろ混ぜてます。


Its been a while since I posted blog last time.
I've been super busy this month,Like First I went to Germany for Hair&Beauty, then 1week before of my Exam, then Exam starts for 1 week, then TV shooting, then Yotomo , and finaly today I'm writing this blog! Phew! What a busy month!
Anyway,Pictures from GErmany are just here.
Check them out :)
By the way, New Color Speeders are really hot. Especialy Neon Yellow is hella hot!Im lovin it!!
Well,I had a great experience in Germany and I got to know lots of new things , so you'll see totally new Hiroyuki Suzuki at Worlds2007!!!

P.S. Thank you for visiting my website, Tanaka-san from APEE Nagoya!:)

Kleaven:Glad you like the yoyo! Im listing to your SYYC song right now..hehe..I think you can follow the music with this,so just keep practice x10000 times! Gogogogo!!!

Nichy:Sorry I couldnt reply your Email for long....So how is everything?? Are you doing fine there??My side, everything seems ok...Ive been practicing for Worlds very hard now. So you'll see my clean fs maybe at Worlds?? hehe....Call me on 24th, See you at Dale's house, ok??Please Take care best friend! Love.

Grant:yo, did you try Yellow Speeder??